Crypto Vice and Virtue Index™
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blockquiry's Crypto Vice and Virtue Index™ is used to gauge the trust of the crypto community in the overall viability, safety, and security of the crypto ecosystem.
Crypto Vice and Virtue Index™ breaks down further into layers of: Crypto Exchanges Vice and Virtue Index™, Crypto DEX Vice and Virtue Index™, and Crypto Blockchain Vice and Virtue Index™. The index breakdown aims to allow users to understand the viability, security and safety differences between the protocol/technology layer vs. the decentralized application layer vs. the centralized application layer.
Within each layer top five entities, projects and protocols by bitcoin and ethereum transaction volume are assigned their individual index.
Vice and Virtue FAQs
What is the Crypto Vice and Virtue Index™?
The Crypto Vice and Virtue Index™ is a way to gauge the trust of the crypto community in the overall viability, safety, and security of the crypto ecosystem.
How is Crypto Vice and Virtue Index™ Calculated?
The Crypto Vice and Virtue Index™ is a compilation of seven indicators measuring various aspects of participants' sentiment and blockchain activity. The index tracks how much these individual indicators deviate from their averages compared to how much they normally diverge. The index gives each indicator equal weighting in calculating a score from 0 to 100, with 100 representing maximum virtue and 0 signaling maximum vices.
Which indicators make up the Crypto Vice and Virtue Index™?
Indicators that make up the Crypto Vice and Virtue Index™ include: Twitter sentiment, Reddit sentiment, general news sentiment, Crypto Panic news sentiment, Chainabuse reporting blockquiry reporting and overall transaction volume for bitcoin and ethereum.
How often is Crypto Vice and Virtue Index™ Calculated?
Every component and the Index are calculated as soon as new data becomes available.