
Is Cryptocurrency Dead? A Look at the Prudential Treatment of Crypto Asset Exposures Report

January 3rd, 2023

bitcoin on the table in front of a dollar bill

Table of Contents

  • Definition of cryptocurrency
  • Past criticisms of cryptocurrency's viability and stability
  • Crypto-Assets: A Prudential Approach from the Basel Committee
  • A Risk-Based Approach to Crypto Asset Management
  • Financial Industry Gives Thumbs Up to Crypto with Prudential Treatment of Crypto-asset Exposures Report

What is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is a digital asset that uses cryptography to facilitate secure financial transactions and verify the transfer of assets. It operates on a decentralized network, typically using blockchain technology, which allows it to function without a central authority or intermediary. Examples of cryptocurrency include Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. It is important to note that not all digital assets are considered a cryptocurrency. For example, a virtual currency used solely within a specific online game or virtual world is not considered a cryptocurrency because it lacks the characteristics and uses of actual cryptocurrency. Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are also not considered a cryptocurrency because they are issued and regulated by central banks. In contrast, cryptocurrencies are decentralized and not issued or backed by any central authority. Cryptocurrencies use decentralized ledger technology (DLT) to record transactions, while CBDCs may or may not use DLT for this purpose.

Past Criticisms of Cryptocurrency's Viability and Stability

Cryptocurrency has faced numerous criticisms and challenges in becoming a legitimate asset class. In the past, it was often associated with illegal activities and considered a volatile and risky investment. Recently, concerns have been raised about the energy consumption of certain cryptocurrency mining operations and the susceptibility of cryptocurrency exchanges to hacks and security breaches. In 2022, the crypto industry faced one of its most challenging years. High-profile bankruptcies of projects like Terra Luna and companies like Celsius, 3 Arrows Capital, and FTX were significant blows to the industry. They led to significant losses for investors, contributing to the overall uncertainty and volatility of the market. However, these events also served as a reminder of the risks associated with cryptocurrency and the need for careful risk management and due diligence when considering any crypto investment. They prompted a renewed focus on regulation and accountability in the industry in order to promote greater stability and confidence in the market.

Crypto Assets: A Prudential Approach from the Basel Committee

In December 2022, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision released a report acknowledging cryptocurrency as a legitimate asset class and providing guidance on the prudential treatment of exposures to crypto assets. The report, titled "The Prudential Treatment of Crypto Asset Exposures," was designed to assist banks and other financial institutions in understanding the risks and opportunities associated with crypto assets, including cryptocurrency. The report notes that the use of crypto-assets, including cryptocurrency, is likely to continue to grow and evolve and that these assets have the potential to disrupt traditional financial systems. As such, the report recommends that financial institutions carefully assess the risks and opportunities associated with crypto assets to develop appropriate risk management strategies. This report represents a significant shift in how cryptocurrency and other crypto assets are viewed by financial regulators and suggests that the industry is becoming more mainstream and accepted by traditional financial institutions.

A Risk-Based Approach to Crypto Asset Management

The Prudential Treatment of Crypto-asset Exposures report, published by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, classifies crypto assets into Group 1 and Group 2. Group 1 crypto assets meet specific standards, such as the use of cryptography or distributed ledger technology to record ownership, the existence of legally enforceable rights and obligations, and regulatory oversight or risk management standards for entities involved in transferring, settling, or redeeming the crypto asset. Group 2 crypto-assets fail to meet one or more of these standards. The report recommends that financial institutions carefully assess the risks and opportunities associated with crypto assets and adopt a risk-based approach to the prudential treatment of exposures to these assets, taking into account each asset's specific characteristics and risks. Higher prudential requirements should be applied to Group 1 crypto-assets because of their higher risks, including volatility, liquidity, and operational risks, according to the Prudential Treatment of Crypto Asset Exposures report. The report further recommends classifying crypto asset exposures as Group 1 or Group 2 based on whether the value or risk of the exposure is substantially determined by the weight of a Group 1 crypto-asset. Group 1 exposures are significantly influenced by the value of a Group 1 crypto-asset, while a Group 1 crypto-asset does not considerably influence Group 2 exposures.

Financial Industry Gives Thumbs Up to Crypto with Prudential Treatment of Crypto Asset Exposures Report

Cryptocurrency may have faced its fair share of criticism and skepticism, but the Prudential Treatment of Crypto Asset Exposures report puts those doubts to rest. This report is the financial industry's equivalent of a defibrillator, renewing the notion that crypto is here to stay. The report's recognition of cryptocurrency as a viable asset class and its recommendation for financial institutions to assess the risks and opportunities associated with crypto assets highlight the ongoing development and adoption of cryptocurrency in the financial industry. The report also suggests that cryptocurrency has the potential to continue growing and evolving in the future, proving that crypto is not dead but rather alive and well. Overall, the report serves as a crucial step toward mainstream acceptance and regulation of cryptocurrency.

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